February 21, 2022

Microdosing CBD: Everything You Need To Know

CBD is a well-loved cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis plant. But when you're first testing the waters with CBD, it can be hard to know how much to take.

It's typically best to start with the serving size noted on the label, but what about an even smaller dose — a microdose — of CBD? Is it still effective? Choosing your optimal dose of CBD is a very personal journey.

Curious about microdosing? Here's what you need to know.

What Is Microdosing?

Microdosing simply means taking very small doses of a substance. This could refer to anything from drugs and medications to vitamins and supplements.

Doses are low enough that are unlikely to produce strong, noticeable effects. Microdosing is a strategy often used with psychedelic substances as a way to test reactions. Or maximize benefits while minimizing potential undesirable side effects.

Isolate and broad-spectrum CBD is non-psychoactive, so you’re not going to feel intoxicating effects — even with larger doses. But there are many other reasons why some folks choose to microdose CBD.

Microdosing CBD

Microdosing CBD just means taking a small dose of CBD. If you want to start microdosing CBD, you'd start taking very small amounts of CBD at regular intervals and see how it works for you.

Why Microdose CBD?

There are several reasons why someone might prefer microdosing over getting a full dose of CBD all at once.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of microdosing CBD and why it might work for you.

Microdosing When Trying CBD For The First Time

Maybe you've never taken CBD and want a very small dose to dip your toes in before taking the full plunge.

Microdosing is an excellent way to ease your body into using CBD. With very small doses, you can see how your body responds to it before gradually increasing the amount if you choose.

Just remember, everyone's body responds differently to CBD, and while microdosing might work well for some, others may need stronger doses for optimal effectiveness.

Still, it's a totally A-OK place to start when trying CBD for the first time.

Microdosing For Managing Chronic Symptoms

Some people like one big dose all at once, while others may prefer a more consistent dose of CBD throughout the day. If that’s you — microdosing could be a strategy to consider.

A single large dose might offer relief, but then wear off by the end of the day. Consistent, small doses might provide more sustained relief.

So, if you have a chronic condition — like pain or anxiety — you may like taking a small amount of CBD every few hours to keep your symptoms at bay.

Microdosing For Steady CBD To Boost Wellness

Some people like to take CBD because it offers them an extra boost of overall wellness. They don't have a chronic condition per se, but just like the feeling of a consistent dose of CBD.

Some people find that it helps them stay focused and calm throughout the day. A consistent, low dose of CBD might help keep the desired effects going all day long.

Again, everyone is different. You'll find a CBD routine that works best for you — and maybe it includes microdosing.

Getting Started With CBD Microdoses

How do you get started with microdosing CBD? First, pick your preferred CBD product.

CBD oils, CBD water solubles, and CBD gummies are all potential forms of CBD that can be microdosed. Though for beginners we suggest CBD tinctures over gummies simply for the ease of measuring small doses.

For CBD Beginners

If you're new to CBD, microdosing is a great way to begin dabbling in cannabic wellness support. Microsoding might be easiest with a CBD tincture, like a CBD oil or CBD water soluble. Look at the single dose size as stated on the bottle (often a dropperful). And just divide that dose into smaller doses that you can take at a set interval. For example, you can choose a drop or two every hour throughout the day.

For CBD Veterans

If you've been taking CBD for a while, you likely know what amount works for you.  Maybe you want to start microdosing to see if it has different effects than larger doses. You could also try this method as a way to increase the overall benefits you experience from CBD.

You can ease into microdosing by taking how much you would normally take in one sitting and dividing that amount into several doses throughout the day.

For CBD Experimentalists

Maybe you're the kind of person who likes to explore new things.  If that's the case, then you're in luck because CBD comes in so many different forms.

You don't need to solely use CBD tinctures like CBD oils and CBD water solubles for microdosing. You can experiment with dividing up CBD gummies, or even other edibles like CBD chocolate. That way you can discover the different ways various CBD products can make you feel.

You can even make your own CBD-infused products by adding a touch of CBD oil or a dash of CBD topical cream into your favorite lotion or shampoo to try microdosing topically.

The options are endless when it comes to CBD, so have fun trying out novel approaches and products — finding what works best for you along the way!

Track Your Microdosing Journey

To determine your optimal CBD regimen, it can help to jot down your experiences with microdosing.

Get yourself a microdosing journal. In it, write down what you take, how much you take, when you take it, and your feelings before and after taking it. Be sure to include the effects you want to track like, pain levels, anxiety levels, sleep quality, etc.

You can even include a rating scale from 1 to 5, as you track the effects of your microdosing schedule. Over time, patterns will emerge — revealing a dosing protocol that’s well suited to your unique needs.

Micro Steps To Success

If you're new to CBD or just want to experiment, microdosing can provide an easily measurable starting point. Even seasoned CBD-enthusiasts can benefit from trying microdosing to find out if there's a better way to consume their CBD.

CBD affects everyone differently so you may need to try different doses or products before finding the right one for you. By tracking your microdosing adventure, you'll have a record of your experiences with different doses — which can shed light on what’s effective for you personally.


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