Try Delta 8
for FREE!


from hemp




Delta-8-THC is also known as delta-8, D8, and a few other names. Like CBD and THC — it’s a cannabinoid found in cannabis (both hemp and marijuana). D8 derived from hemp CBD is federally legal.
D8 offers many of the same potential physical and mental wellness benefits as CBD and THC. But, delta-8’s biggest claim to fame is the mellow euphoria you can get from it. People love that the delta-8 buzz doesn’t pack the possible downsides of a THC high — like anxiety or paranoia. See for yourself!

Whether you're trying to chill out or just catch some ZZZs,
we've got
the gummy for you!

delta 8 gummies faq
- How long does it take for Delta 8 gummies to work?
How long it takes for delta 8 gummies to work will depend on your tolerance for delta 8 THC.
We recommend taking one gummy and waiting 40 minutes- 1hr to fully allow the gummy to get into your system.
- whate is a delta 8 gummies
A delta 8 gummy is a gummy infused with delta 8 distillate. These gummies are preferred due to having most of the benefits of d9 THC without the psychoactive impairment, anxiousness or paranoia that some may experience. Delta 8 gummies are known as the “functional” person’s gummies.
- are delta 8 edibles strong
Delta 8 edibles are only as strong as you make them. This also depends on your tolerance to delta 8. If you are a first time D8 user we always recommend to start with one gummy allowing 40 mins.- 1 hour for the gummy to get into your system.
- does delta 8 help you to sleep
While we can’t state or definitively confirm that Delta 8 can help you sleep, anecdotal user reviews and vast preliminary research suggest that it does. To stay completely up to date with the latest delta 8 info and research, click here to visit NCBI