In West Virginia, “mountaineers are always free” to use hemp CBD! WV has been receptive to hemp since the early 2000s and is coming around to other incarnations of cannabis.
Federally-approved CBD — sourced from hemp and with a THC content of 0.3% or less — is legal. The state operates a medical cannabis program. But, recreational marijuana is illegal.
West Virginia CBD Laws At A Glance
When it comes to CBD in West Virginia, here are the keythings you need to know:
• Hemp CBD with 0.0-0.3% THCis lawful.
• You can buy CBD in localvenues as well as online.
• You must be at least 18years old to buy CBD.
• There aren’t any hemp CBDpossession limits. Medical cannabis is limited to a 30 days’ supply.
• WV has a medical marijuanaprogram.
• Recreational cannabis isnot legal.

Is CBD Legal in West Virginia?
Interestingly, West Virginia recognized the value of hemp rather early on. It started enacting laws green lighting hemp cultivation almost 20 years ago.
Yes, cannabis-friendly laws since then have progressed as slowly as a sleepy Jefferson's ground sloth. But, at least laws are moving in an enlightened direction.
We can sum up WV’s CBD-related laws in just a handful of bullet point:
- Enacted in 2002, SB 447, aka the Industrial Hemp Development Act, legalized hemp, created a program to administer it, and defined hemp as any cannabis containing less than 1.0% THC. The state was eager to establish this as a legit agricultural crop.
- The state tried repeatedly between 2010 and 2015 to pass medical cannabis legislation. However, the bills were never able to successfully make it through the state house and senate before the end of the legislative session.
- Finally, in 2017, medical marijuana was legalized for qualifying conditions (SB 386). It went into effect in July 2018 but the program wasn’t fully in place until July 2019.
- SB 475 elaborated WV’s industrial hemp endeavors. This law permitted the state to implement an industrial hemp seed certification program.
- The 2018 Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp and its CBD with 0.3% or less THC at the federal level. West Virginia was well positioned to observe to the new national statutes.
- In 2019, HB 2694 clarified certain elements of the industrial hemp program. It defined hemp as an agricultural commodity and affirmed that hemp derivatives weren’t controlled substances. It also articulated that interstate transport of hemp and its byproducts is A-OK.
Is CBD Legal In In West Virginia? CBD Shopper’s Guide
Looking to purchase CBD in West Virginia? You’re in luck! CBD products are legally available at brick-and-mortar stores. Assuming the Mountain State is tangled in the world wide web— and we’re pretty sure it is — you also have CBD online stores at your fingertips. Simply locate a trustworthy retailer and take your pick of shopping methods.
Purchase CBD At Brick & Mortar Stores
There’s a lot of things to love about West Virginia, and local access to CBD is one of them. You might spy items containing CBD on the shelves of your neighborhood health and wellness store or pharmacy, or find it at a nearby dispensary. Since types of CBD products can vary widely, find a seller with knowledgeable staff and a good selection.
Buy CBD Online
West Virginia makes it easy to purchase CBD in person, but you might prefer to shop online. Whether you can’t find your favorite CBD products in stores or favor the ease of filling a virtual cart, online shopping for CBD is a great option in your state.
You can safely and conveniently buy CBD products online from Pure Craft. In fact, here are some high-quality CBD products that’re popular with folks by you:
Additional Resources: CBD Laws In West Virginia
No two states have the same cannabis laws. (That’d be too easy!) So ya might want to double-triple-quadruple check you’ve got the deets for West Virginia right. You can find all the info you could possibly want (and then some?) direct from the sources:
- Relevant West Virginia laws: SB 447, SB 386, SB 475, HB 2694, Article 12E Industrial Hemp Development Act
- West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources, Bureau for Public Health: Office of Medical Cannabis
- West Virginia Department of Agriculture: Industrial Hemp
West Virginia & CBD Legality — Bottom Line
Hemp CBD with a max of 0.3% THC is legal and readily available online and at local shops. You must be 18+ to buy CBD products. There are no possession limits for hemp-derived CBD.
West Virginia offers a medical cannabis program for patients with qualifying health conditions. Participants may possess up to a 30 days’ supply of marijuana.
Recreational use of marijuana is illegal.
We’re not legal professionals or otherwise qualified to offer legal advice. So, while we do our very best to be thorough, up-to-date, and 100% correct, the content above is for informational purposes only. Please also note that the laws surrounding CBD are subject to change. We recommend checking our source(s) to see if the information or legal status have been revised since our content was published.