Yes! CBD oil is legal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania — but it has to meet certain requirements.
Like many other states, Pennsylvania followed the lead of the federal government when Uncle Sam legalized industrial hemp through the 2018 Farm Bill. Meaning CBD with up to 0.3% THC is legal in Pennsylvania. (Permission to bust out the Hershey bars and celebrate.)
CBD with higher THC content is available for patients who are registered for Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program. Currently, recreational marijuana is illegal in PA.
Pennsylvania CBD Laws At A Glance
When it comes to CBD in Pennsylvania, here are the main things you should know:
• You can buy hemp-derived CBD with up to 0.3% THC in stores and online.
• Marijuana, including marijuana-derived CBD, is legal through the state’s medical marijuana program.
• A 90-day supply is the maximum amount of marijuana a patient can possess at one time.
• A license is required to grow hemp but not to process hemp (unless it’s being processed into a food product).
• Recreational marijuana is illegal.

Is CBD Legal in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania has been swifter than some states to bring industrial hemp back into its agriculture. It eventually welcomed medical marijuana. While the state hasn’t decriminalized marijuana possession, some municipalities have.
Did you know the Declaration of Independence was signed in Pennsylvania? So were the following cannabis-related pieces of legislation.
- Pennsylvania’s Industrial Hemp Pilot Program launched in 2016 through House Bill 967. The bill made the cultivation and processing of industrial hemp — defined as hemp that doesn’t exceed 0.3% THC content by weight — legal. This includes CBD. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture was appointed to oversee the program. Initially, growers had to be involved with a university-affiliated research program, but that requirement was later lifted.
- The state’s medical marijuana program also took off in 2016 through the passage of Act 16, the Medical Marijuana Act. It put multiple state departments in charge of overseeing different aspects of the program. Medical marijuana dispensaries opened in 2018.
- The USDA has approved Pennsylvania’s hemp production plans in 2020. The program’s no longer in its pilot stage. It’s now the Pennsylvania Hemp Program.
- In 2021, the governor signed PL 210, which updated the state's medical marijuana program. Instead of a 30-day supply, patients can now purchase a 90-day supply, those with chronic pain are no longer required to try other therapies before seeking out medical cannabis, and the list of qualifying conditions was expanded, among other changes.
- Considering lawmakers and elected officials have expressed interest in legalizing adult-use marijuana, you may want to check back in for changing cannabis laws in the Keystone State.
Can You Legally Buy CBD Products In Pennsylvania?
Great news! CBD is widely welcome in Pennsylvania. This means CBD is available at physical establishments as well as virtual shops. All you have to do is decide whether you want to head to the nearest CBD retailer or place an order online. That should ring your bell!
Purchase CBD At Brick & Mortar Stores
You’re likely to find CBD locally in Pennsylvania thanks to its CBD-friendly laws. Hemp shops, pharmacies, health food stores and more stock ingestible, edible, and topical CBD products. Look for stores with helpful team members who are well-educated in their CBD selection.
If you’re a patient registered in Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program, you can also get CBD at state-licensed dispensaries.
Buy CBD Online
Just because CBD’s in reach for Pennsylvanians doesn’t mean you want to — well — reach. If a few clicks of the keyboard is more your speed or you just want options, online shopping is your CBD BFF.
You can safely buy high-quality CBD products online from Pure Craft. In fact, here are some CBD products that’re popular near you:
Where Can You Get More Info On Pennsylvania’s CBD Laws?
That’s a good question! We can tell you’ve got the ol’ thinking cap on. Your best bet is to go straight to the source: Pennsylvania’s CBD governing body (and all the documentation they’ve churned out on this subject).
- Relevant Pennsylvania laws: House Bill 967, Act 16, PL 210
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Medical Marijuana
- Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Pennsylvania Hemp Program
Pennsylvania & CBD Legality — Bottom Line
CBD made from industrial hemp with up to 0.3% THC is legal in Pennsylvania. Patients with qualifying conditions can get higher THC CBD at a medical marijuana dispensary.
Recreational marijuana is illegal, but that — along with other hemp and CBD laws — could change.
We’re not legal professionals or otherwise qualified to offer legal advice. So, while we do our very best to be thorough, up-to-date, and 100% correct, the content above is for informational purposes only. Please also note that the laws surrounding CBD are subject to change. We recommend checking our source(s) to see if the information or legal status have been revised since our content was published.