Even better than baked beans and Boston cream pie is Massachusetts’s embracing of cannabis. While MA was a one of the later states to get on the legalization bandwagon, it’s now committed to the ride.
In Massachusetts, hemp CBD is legal. The state also runs a medical cannabis program for qualified patients. Adults over 21 years old may use recreational marijuana, including marijuana-derived CBD.
Massachusetts CBD Laws At A Glance
When it comes to CBD in Massachusetts, here are the big points you need to know:
• Federally-legal hemp CBD with less than or equal to 0.3% THC is legal. So is marijuana CBD.
• MA runs a medical cannabis program.
• Recreational marijuana is legal for adults over 21 years old.
• Massachusetts prohibits the sale of CBD-infused food products and CBD items with therapeutic claims.
• The state has possession limits for both cannabis on you (1 oz) and in your home (10 oz), as well as the number of plants (6) you can grow for personal use.
• You can’t use cannabis products in public or on federal property.
• Many towns ban retail sales marijuana stores.

Is CBD Legal in Massachusetts?
In more recent years, the Bay State has legislated in favorable cannabis laws. MA legally restricted cannabis in the early 1910s. It almost a hundred years for the state to come full circle. Here’s how it played out:
- Massachusetts passed the Massachusetts Sensible Marijuana Policy (aka Massachusetts Ballot Question 2) in 2018, which decriminalized possession of small quantities of marijuana. Possession of an ounce or less went from being a criminal act to a civil violation.
- In 2012, the state enacted the Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative to legalize medical cannabis and establish the Medical Use of Marijuana Program. This legislation enabled qualified patients over the age of 21 to use cannabis. It also created a means for the state to regulate the statewide marijuana consumption.
- MA voters seemed to like the results of their forays into cannabis. Continuing with the building momentum, voters approved another ballot measure (Question 4) in 2016 to legalize recreational marijuana.
- In 2017, Massachusetts signed An Act to Ensure Safe Access to Marijuana into law. This bill formally distinguished hemp from marijuana and paved the way for commercial industrial hem production.
- The 2018 Farm Bill made hemp-derived CBD with 0.3% or less THC content legal at the federal level. As cannabis was already legal in MA, this didn’t really impact the state too much in terms of CBD usage rights or rules.
- It became apparent that Massachusetts needed to develop laws to regulate hemp and its byproducts, including CBD. To this end, HB 4528 was introduced in March 2020. It was received favorably but is stuck in the House Committee on Ways and Means (as of January 5, 2021). This is one to keep your eyes on!
How To Buy CBD in Massachusetts Legally
Don’t fret — Massachusetts is a CBD-friendly state. Hooray! You can shop for CBD products at your local CBD retailers or head online. Either way, the marketplace has loads of options. Be mindful of purchase and possession limits, locate a trustworthy seller, and you’re good to go!
Can You Buy CBD At Brick & Mortar Stores?
In Massachusetts, grabbing CBD-infused products at a health food store or smoke and vape shop may be an option. So is stocking up at dispensaries or other retailers. Be sure to solicit recommendations from friends, family, and wellness professionals — you only want to patronize the best local CBD outlets.
Medical marijuana cardholders can buy larger amounts of cannabis if they shop a registered dispensary.
Can You Buy CBD Online?
Federal law says it’s legal to mail hemp-derived CBD oil with 0.0-0.3% THC to all 50 states. So, while CBD has the seal of legal approval in the Pilgrim State, you may still prefer the convenience (and selection) of heading to your nearest internet-based CBD marketplace.
This is great news for Massachusettsans who’re looking for options. CBD products are readily available, at your fingertips!
You can safely and easily buy CBD online from Pure Craft. Check out these excellent CBD products that’re popular near you:
Massachusetts State CBD Laws: A Deeper Dive
Some say knowledge is power. If you’d like to be more CBD powerful, feel free to read up on the legal details of cannabis in your state.
- Relevant Massachusetts laws: G.L. c. 94C, Sections 32L-32N, Chapter 369 of the Acts of 2012, Chapter 334 and 351 of the Acts of 2016, HB 3818, M.G.L. c. 128 Sections 116-123, HB 4528
- Marijuana in Massachusetts - what’s legal?
- Massachusetts law about marijuana
- Cannabis Control Commission (CCC)
- Medical Use of Marijuana Program
- Industrial Hemp Program
Massachusetts & CBD Legality — Bottom Line
You can legally buy the federally-legal hemp CBD with 0.0-0.3% THC in Massachusetts. You can also legally purchase marijuana CBD — and other cannabis products for recreational use. Hemp CBD and marijuana products are available from local sellers as well as online.
The state also runs a medical marijuana program. Certified participants can purchase larger amounts of cannabis if they go to a registered dispensary.
Make sure you know the various restrictions on age, possession limits, etc. before you shop for cannabis products in MA.
We’re not legal professionals or otherwise qualified to offer legal advice. So, while we do our very best to be thorough, up-to-date, and 100% correct, the content above is for informational purposes only. Please also note that the laws surrounding CBD are subject to change. We recommend checking our source(s) to see if the information or legal status have been revised since our content was published.